At Burdick Blueberries we incorporate organic and sustainable growing practices to produce the most healthy and delicious blueberries possible in our changing climate. We use Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a practice widely advocated by environmentalists, entomologists and ecologists. IPM emphasizes the growth of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption to agro-ecosystems. We also monitor actively to ensure we identify specific pests, and deal with them promptly and in the mildest, least invasive way, — drawing on preventative or organic solutions, or mechanical or biological controls.

We gratefully utilize the resources of Cornell University for data and professional guidance and testing. We are constantly educating ourselves to stay current with best practices for caring for our soil, water and plant health.

In our field we grow over ten varieties of highbush blueberries, helping sustain a healthy crop best suited for local growing conditions. Our practices include skillfully pruning each bush annually, renting honeybees and purchasing native species of bumblebees each spring. This increases the quality and size of our berries. Our well draining soil is naturally acidic and ideal for growing blueberries.

We are passionate every step of the way about protecting your health, the environment, and the living creatures that share this beautiful corner of the world.




1. You may bring your own containers to pick into or use the eco-friendly, recyclable containers we provide. We also recommend hats and sunscreen.

2. Outhouses are provided for your convenience along with hand-washing stations. These are located on the north end of the large parking area. Drinking water is available in the field and at the Retail Shed, the south end of parking lot.

3. If you brought berry containers from home please bring them to the weigh-in line at the Retail Shed. We’ll give you a receipt to hand in at weigh-out time so you won’t be charged for their weight.

At the weigh-in line we can supply you with any picking pails you’d like to borrow and cardboard baskets to take your berries home in. There is a minimal charge for new berry baskets.

4. We drive you out in one of our blue surreys to the day’s ripest, best berries and our guides show you where to pick. This scenic ride takes only a few minutes. If you prefer to walk, you may do so after getting directions on where to go. You can also ride on a golf cart if it suits your transportation needs better and we are always happy to find ways to meet various mobility needs. Please call ahead if you are planning to visit with a certified service dog.

5. When you have finished picking we can drive you back to the Shed for weigh-out. Hand-washing stations are also located at the retail shed area.

6. At our retail shed you’ll find local raw wildflower and blueberry blossom honeys, local organic maple syrup, homemade blueberry bars, tarts (individual) and whole pies, Burdick hats and T-shirts, and blueberry wood chips for smoking and grilling.

Here you can also borrow snips and choose take home vases and buckets for picking your own flowers, or select a ready-to-go bouquet fresh from our gardens.

7. Make yourself at home and enjoy the day. Walk through our flower gardens. Picnic under the pines. Take photos and rest.

*Please contact us if you are planning photos with a professional photographer, or if you’d like a photo shoot during our off-season.

* We love your dogs but please do not bring them.*


See the Patch from above!

Video by Joseph Bowers: @AS4RONIN

One minute captures the peace & wonder of pollination: